Thursday, May 12, 2011
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Sunday, April 19, 2009
New book: Socialists and the Capitalist Recession & ‘The Basic Ideas of Karl Marx’
This 216-page book brings together much of the most powerful socialist analysis of the recession.
Sean Thompson shows how neoliberal globalisation has an inbuilt tendency towards deflation. As explained in the article by François Sabado, the period since the turn of the century has been a disaster for American capitalism; first the catastrophe in Iraq and of the Bush government in general, and now an economic collapse that has completely undermined neoliberalism's 'Washington Consensus'.
The ideologues of capitalism are on the defensive. But the Marxist explanation of the crisis has to be hammered home. Who caused this crisis? Why did it occur? What is it in capitalism that leads to the globalisation of poverty while a tiny elite become mega-wealthy? And what are possible alternatives? This book is a signal contribution to making those arguments.
To give the socialist analysis in this book strong foundations, the book also includes ‘The Basic Ideas of Karl Marx’, an outline by Ernest Mandel of the core ideas of scientific socialism.
The book will be launched in London next month. But you can pre-order your copy from us for the special price of £7.50 including postage inside Europe.
The volume is also available as issue 39/40 of the International Institute for Research and Education's Notebooks for Study and Research (ISSN 0298-7902).
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
New book: My Life Under White Supremacy and in Exile
Leonard began to question the racist system while still at school.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Resistance now distributes Haymarket Books
The Haymarket Books list is now available from Resistance Books. Click here for their full list with images and perfect formatting. Please send your cheque, payable to Resistance, to us at PO BOx 1109 London N4 2UU. Please add 10% for postage.
A Little Piece of Ground | Elizabeth Laird | £ 7 |
A People's History of Iraq: The Iraqi Communist Party, Workers' Movements and the Left 1924-2004 | Ilario Salucci | £ 9 |
All Power to the Soviets | Tony Cliff | £ 11 |
Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law | China Mi?ville | £ 13 |
Between the Lines: Readings on Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. "War on Terror" | Tikva Honig-Parnass and Toufic | £ 13 |
Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist | Dahr Jamail | £ 14 |
Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq | Dahr Jamail | £ 11 |
Black Liberation and Socialism | Ahmed Shawki | £ 9 |
Blackwater: El Auge del Ejército Mercenario más Poderoso del Mundo | Jeremy Scahill | £ 14 |
Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd | Alexander Rabinowitch | £ 13 |
Building the Party: Lenin 1893-1914 | Tony Cliff | £ 11 |
Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims | Edited by Elaine C. Hagopian | £ 13 |
Essential Rosa Luxemburg: Reform of Revolution and The Mass Stri | Rosa Luxemburg, Edited by Hele | £ 9 |
Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profitee | Amy Goodman and David Goodman | £ 28 |
Exile: Conversations With Pramoedya Ananta Toer | Andre Vltchek, Rosie Indira, e | £ 11 |
Friendly Fire: The Remarkable Story of a Journalist Kidnapped in | Giuliana Sgrena | £ 14 |
History of the Russian Revolution | Leon Trotsky | £ 22 |
In Praise of Barbarians: Essays Against Empire | Mike Davis | £ 11 |
Independent Politics: The Green Party Strategy Debate | Edited by Howie Hawkins | £ 11 |
Intervenciones | Noam Chomsky | £ 11 |
Lenin Rediscovered: What Is to Be Done? In Context | Lars T. Lih | £ 35 |
Literature and Revolution | Leon Trotsky, Edited by Willia | £ 11 |
Marxism and the Party | John Molyneux | £ 7 |
Myths of Male Dominance: Collected Articles on Women Cross-Cultu | Eleanor Burke Leacock | £ 13 |
No One is Illegal: Fighting Racism and State Violence on the U.S | Mike Davis and Justin Akers-Ch | £ 11 |
Oranges in No Man's Land | Elizabeth Laird | £ 7 |
Party and Class | Tony Cliff, Duncan Hallas, et | £ 5 |
Poetry and Protest: A Dennis Brutus Reader | Dennis Brutus, edited by Aisha | £ 11 |
Revolution and Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Met | Kevin Murphy | £ 14 |
Revolutionary Rehearsals | Edited by Colin Barker | £ 10 |
Road from ar Ramadi: The Private Rebellion of Staff Sergeant Cam | Camilo Mejia | £ 11 |
Russia: From Workers' State to State Capitalism | Anthony Arnove, Peter Binns, e | £ 7 |
Sin Patrón: Stories from Argentina's Worker-Run Factories | Edited by the lavaca collectiv | £ 11 |
Soldiers in Revolt: GI Resistance During the Vietnam War | David Cortright, introduction | £ 11 |
Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the | Sharon Smith | £ 11 |
The American Socialist Movement 1897-1912 | Ira Kipnis | £ 14 |
The Bending Cross: A Biography of Eugene Victor Debs | Ray Ginger, introduction by Mi | £ 13 |
The Case for Socialism | Alan Maass | £ 7 |
The Comintern | Duncan Hallas | £ 11 |
The Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx and Frederick Engels | £ 9 |
The Democrats: A Critical History | Lance Selfa | £ 11 |
The Dispossessed: Chronicles of the Desterrados of Colombia | Alfredo Molano and Aviva Choms | £ 10 |
The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietn | Sidney Lens, foreword by Howar | £ 13 |
The German Revolution, 1917-1923 | Pierre Broue | £ 35 |
The Lost Revolution: Germany 1918 to 1923 | Chris Harman | £ 13 |
The Meaning of Marxism | Paul D'Amato | £ 9 |
The Meek and the Militant: Religion and Power Across the World | Paul N. Siegel | £ 13 |
The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain | Pierre Br?ue and Emile T?mime | £ 35 |
The Struggle for Palestine | Edited by Lance Selfa | £ 10 |
The Theory of Revolution in Young Marx | Michael L?wy | £ 11 |
The Women Incendiaries: The Inspiring Story of the Women of the | Edith Thomas | £ 11 |
Trotsky's Marxism and Other Essays | Duncan Hallas | £ 9 |
Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S. Lost | Joe Allen, foreword by John Pi | £ 10 |
Vive la Revolution: A Stand-up History of the French Revolution | Mark Steele | £ 10 |
War Without End: The Iraq War in Context | Michael Schwartz | £ 11 |
Welcome to the Terrordome: The Pain, Politics, and Promise of Sp | Dave Zirin | £ 11 |
What is the Real Marxist Tradition? | John Molyneux | £ 5 |
What's My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States | Dave Zirin | £ 11 |
Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan: Eyewitness Accounts of the | Iraq Veterans Against the War | £ 11 |
Winter Soldiers: An Oral History of the Vietnam Veterans Against | Richard Stacewitcz | £ 13 |
Women and Socialism: Essays on Women's Liberation | Sharon Smith | £ 9 |
World Social Forum: Strategies of Resistance | Jose Correa Leite | £ 9 |
Your Money or Your Life: The Tyranny of Global Finance | Eric Toussaint | £ 13 |
Saturday, May 03, 2008
New: Cuba at Sea

This book gives a unique view of the Cuban revolution: from the ocean, where Ridenour worked with Cuba's merchant navy.
The only foreign writer to portray things Cuban as a volunteer merchant marine, Ron Ridenour sailed six months on five Cuban ships around the island nation delivering petroleum, and to and from Europe with container goods, to tell Cuban sailors' views of their society and the world.
In what other socialist book can you follow the crew through a gale, catching a giant shark, struggling with a life boat gone amuck, night life ashore...?
Thanks to photographs by Ron and his colleagues, the 108 pages of this book (plus four blank pahes for notes) are enlivened with 17 beautiful images. The images are made more powerful by the large, Crown Octavo, page sizes (twice the page size of a popular paperback). Readers of Resistance Books will already have appreciated this larger page size with our reprinting of Karl Kautsky's book.
The book will be launched at an Oxfordshire book fair in mid-May, but is available now by mail-order. Copies cost 8 pounds, including postage, from 'Resistance', PO Box 1109. London N2 2UU.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Expanded second edition of Ecosocialism

The number of pages is up, to 176, and the price is down, from 10 to 6 pounds.
A number of typographic corrections have been made in the book, and a major new section has been added: a resolution on 'Savage Capitalism' which explains the perspectives of the British ecosocialists. The draft of this resolution was published late last year by International Viewpoint.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Respect: Documents of the Crisis

Our next book explains why. Contributors to 'Respect: Document of the Crisis' include Geirge Galloway, Salma Yaqoob, Alan Thornett, Chris Harman, Andy Newman, Kevin Ovenden, John Lister, Jerry Hicks, Liam Mac Uaid, Phil Hearse, Linda Smith, 'Socialist Worker' New Zealand and Nick Wrack.
The introduction to this 140-page book explains that "Respect stood on the gains of the anti-globalisation and antiwar movements, and on the fact that the anti-war movement had begun to build among sections of Muslim communities who had not previously engaged with British politics.
"But the SWP is painting a dishonest picture of what lies behind the division within Respect. They claim that they are the left in the split and everyone else is on the right (or is naively misguided, which is just as insulting). They repeat their disgraceful attacks on the Scottish Socialist Party, and by implication make comparison between those who support Respect Renewal with those in Rifondazione who have backed Italian Prime Minister Prodi in sending troops to Afghanistan. Such comparisons are ridiculous.
"Disregarding the grandiose comparisons with the splits between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks for the delusions they are, this pamphlet shows the political positions of those the SWP would paint as "the right".
"Not all the contributions we print here are from Socialist Resistance supporters, of course. But we think and hope that by publishing this collection we can contribute to an important debate, and thus help to build a socialist alternative to the ravages of war and neo-liberalism."
The book will be available from Socialist Resistance sellers after January 26th for 3.50 pounds or US $7. In February, the book will also be available at and other online bookshops. Using the ISBN number, 978-0-902869-89-9, you can also order from any bookstore.
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